At this time, the differing parts of the world are experiencing different levels of novel coronavirus activity and everyone needs to be prepared. Targeted hygiene practices can go a long way to help keeping families safe. Following product use and safety information is critical in this regard. It is especially important now to make sure cleaning and hygiene precautions are not just being done, but being done correctly, to ensure effectiveness.
Handwashing: Proper handwashing is particularly important because it is such a critical step in preventing the spread of germs, yet a study found that 95 percent of people are doing it incorrectly.
Wet hands with clean, running water before applying soap.
Lather both hands, including the backs of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails.
Scrub hands for at least 20 seconds before rinsing and drying.
Hand Sanitizer: This can be a useful alternative if soap and water are not readily available, as long as it contains at least 60 percent alcohol.
Use one or two squirts or pumps of the product.
Rub hands together briskly, including the front and back, between fingers, around and under nails until hands are dry.
Disinfecting: There are a number of disinfectant and cleaning products that can be effective against the novel coronavirus on hard and nonporous surfaces.
Key Times to Clean
At Home: Wash your hands before and after food prep, before eating, after using the bathroom, after touching garbage or diapers and after handling pet food. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects, like door handles and light switches. If someone in your home is sick, follow these guidelines for additional cleaning and disinfecting actions.
At Work: Always wash hands before eating and after using the bathroom. If you're not near a sink, use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Try not to share food and routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. Stay home if sick and encourage colleagues to do the same.
When You Have to Go Out: Avoid touching your face after contact with frequently-touched surfaces. Consider using an antibacterial wipe on the grocery cart handle, especially if a child will be riding in the cart. If using reusable bags, be sure to wash them when you get home.
During Essential Travel: Stay at least 6 feet away from anyone who is sneezing, coughing or blowing their nose. At the airport, wash your hands after going through security and after getting off the plane.